Monday, January 21, 2013

The Story

Idyllically situated on a hilltop at the entrance to the legendary Sonoma Valley, Viansa Winery & Marketplace naturally embodies the proud history of local winemaking. With its distinctive Italian atmosphere and charming Old World architecture, Viansa Winery & Marketplace is a tribute to the early Italian immigrants who brought their winemaking traditions to Sonoma Valley. Surrounded by vineyards, flower gardens and olive groves, and modeled after the charming, centuries-old villas that dot the Tuscan landscape, the main winery building appears to have been magically transported from the Italian countryside. Painstakingly crafted from authentic materials and boasting signature details like hand-painted interior frescoes depicting peasant life in the Tuscan countryside, Viansa’s Villa has the power to whisk visitors away to romantic Italy – if only for an hour or two. Meticulously landscaped grounds planted with imported Italian cypresses and stone pines, lovely terraces overlooking Sonoma Valley, and classic imported Italian statuary beautifully complete the picture.